Women receiving financial and business training. Source: IBO Foundation
Women receiving financial and business training. Source: IBO Foundation

Social Issue

Mozambique has a population of 27 million people, with a life expectancy of 50 years, and ranks 178th to 189th according to the Human Development Index report. The project is carried out in Ibo, an island in northern Mozambique that has very high levels of poverty. 3,500 people live in Ibo, 53% of whom are under 14 years of age. The main economic activities of the Cabo Delgado province, to which the island belongs, are agriculture, livestock, artisanal fishing, trade, and logging.

Our Response

The project aims to boost the economic initiatives of women in the Ibo district through training, presentation of business projects, support and monitoring for their development.

Expected Social Impact

Netri’s donation represents 30% of the total budget and focuses on providing the necessary resources for the training of 50 students, with the aim of increasing their administrative, business management, and technological and market knowledge.