General view of the market on the hill of Sagara. Source: G3T Foundation
General view of the market on the hill of Sagara. Source: G3T Foundation
Market view. Source: G3T Foundation
Market view. Source: G3T Foundation
Construction of the market. Source: G3T Foundation
Construction of the market. Source: G3T Foundation
Construction view. Source: G3T Foundation
Construction view. Source: G3T Foundation
The market in operation. Source: G3T Foundation
The market in operation. Source: G3T Foundation
Market beneficiaries. Source: G3T Foundation
Market beneficiaries. Source: G3T Foundation
People buying and selling in the market. Source: G3T Foundation
People buying and selling in the market. Source: G3T Foundation

Social Issue

Subsistence agriculture makes up 90% of the economy of Burundi, with the operational difficulty of having severely isolated rural areas due to the lack of asphalt roads.

In these conditions, local commerce should be the principal driver of the economy. However, there are very few markets built with durable, quality materials that allow commercial development at a district level, and with suitable hygiene conditions.

Our Response

The Colline of Sagara (1,072 dwellings and 8,918 inhabitants) is in a key location between two important urban centers: Gatonde and the capital of the Mutumba district. This makes it a suitable place for local commerce and the establishment of a market; even more keeping in mind that it is planned the construction of a “peace village” on adjoining land with more than 200 dwellings for war repatriates.

Prior to the market construction, the local population had no other choice than going to markets in Gatonde (10 km) and Mutumba (9 km).

Expected Social Impact

The market will be able to host a minimum of 50 merchants and will consist of 8 hangars, two kiosks, and 4 bathrooms. It is estimated that the number of direct beneficiaries will be the 50 merchants’ families (250 people). The indirect beneficiaries are the nearly 9,000 inhabitants of the Colline of Sagara that in one way or another may see improvements in their economy.