Beneficiary of the program. Source: Amret
Beneficiary of the program. Source: Amret

Social Issue

In Cambodia, the microfinance sector originates from the development programmes of various NGOs.

These programmes were established in the 1990s at the end of the civil war, with the aim of promoting economic development in the country.

The sector grew very rapidly, fostering a trend of aggressive practices and over-indebtedness in recent years.

Our Response

In this context, it is important to support microfinance institutions, focused on responsible lending practices. Amret has been certified by the Smart Campaign since 2016 and prioritizes the financial well-being of its clients. 

The majority of Amret’s clients are low income micro-entrepreneurs living in rural areas as well as small and medium enterprises. Amret started in 1991 as a rural lending program by GRET, a French NGO, and is now one of the largest microfinance providers in the country.

Expected Social Impact

With this investment of the Netri Foundation, it is estimated that Amret will be able to provide 136 microloans to their clients, with the expected outcome of enhancing their business opportunities, incomes, and wellbeing.