Beneficiary of the project. Source: Credicampo
Beneficiary of the project. Source: Credicampo

Social Issue

El Salvador continues to have low levels of economic growth. Between 2010 and 2016 the average increase in GDP was the lowest in Central America. The country’s low growth has translated into little progress in poverty reduction and a high level of poverty in rural areas. The economy is highly dependent on remittances, which represent 18.3% of GDP.

Our Response

Access to credit for the development of productive activities in rural areas is an indispensable tool to boost the local economy and agricultural performance.

In 2013, CREDICAMPO was founded to carry out all the microfinance activities of the Campo Foundation, an NGO that successfully developed a credit programme over the course of 18 years, applying a management model with the participation of leaders of rural communities. with which they work. The Campo Foundation collaborates with them in the construction of schools and other social projects, while the CREDICAMPO cooperative specialises in providing financial services to its clients; 44% of its portfolio is group loans.

CREDICAMPO focuses on the eastern regions of the country, the most rural. It builds alliances and collaborates with community development associations that appoint a credit committee for providing loans. These associations are the initial filter for the credit evaluation process.

Expected Social Impact

With this investment of the Netri Foundation, it is estimated that CREDICAMPO will be able to provide 540 loans, with the idea of helping rural communities to develop productive activities to support their families.