Distribution of 335 textbooks to a library
Burundi, 2010
Social Issue
Just as the construction of new schools is essential to accommodate the large number of children entering public primary education, textbooks are also an essential tool for the correct training of students.
In Burundi, as in so many other countries, the massive influx of children to school has led to the urgent need to qualify more teachers, leading to a decline in the overall quality of teaching.
Our Response
In an environment like this, a textbook becomes a very valuable asset as it is a guarantee of a good education.
Expected Social Impact
With the more than 300 donated books, in addition to those already existing in the Gatonde library, students from the towns of the Karusi province will be able to face their school stage with greater guarantees of success and will continue to dream of entering university, something that in other times was unthinkable for students from these remote villages.