Beneficiaries of bakery training. Source: Our Little Brothers Foundation
Beneficiaries of bakery training. Source: Our Little Brothers Foundation
A mother and her son enjoy cookies from the bakery. Source: Our Little Brothers Foundation
A mother and her son enjoy cookies from the bakery. Source: Our Little Brothers Foundation
Francisville, in Port-au-Prince, is one of the most disadvantaged areas in Haiti. Source: Our Little Brothers Foundation
Francisville, in Port-au-Prince, is one of the most disadvantaged areas in Haiti. Source: Our Little Brothers Foundation
Mechanical training. Source: Our Little Brothers Foundation
Mechanical training. Source: Our Little Brothers Foundation
Exterior of the bakery. Source: Our Little Brothers Foundation
Exterior of the bakery. Source: Our Little Brothers Foundation
A young man is trained in preparing the pasta. Source: Our Little Brothers Foundation
A young man is trained in preparing the pasta. Source: Our Little Brothers Foundation
The exterior of the workshops. Source: Our Little Brothers Foundation
The exterior of the workshops. Source: Our Little Brothers Foundation
Bakery workshop interior. Source: Our Little Brothers Foundation
Bakery workshop interior. Source: Our Little Brothers Foundation
The mechanics workshop. Source: Our Little Brothers Foundation
The mechanics workshop. Source: Our Little Brothers Foundation

Social Issue

Haiti is the poorest country in America and one of the most miserable in the world. The reduction of the youth unemployment rate is a great challenge since in 2008 34% of young people did not have a job.

Our Response

This is a business project that intends to build self-sustaining training and production workshops for a bakery, pasta shop, printer, repair and carpentry workshop, soap manufacturing, basic food for consumption, fair trade products, etc., which will permit young Haitians who do not have resources to be trained and to find a respectable occupation and to start, by means of the granting of a microcredit, their own business sustainable over time.

To accomplish this, a training centre with 32 classrooms will be built as well as the workshops to carry out each of the activities.

The foundation finances the machinery of the bakery and pasta-making.


Expected Social Impact

Each year 200 young/adult Haitians will be trained in the centre. Therefore, it is predicted that around 2,000 children/adults that form part of the families of the beneficiaries will benefit indirectly from the project.

Despite the catastrophe caused by the earthquake, the project has gone ahead.