I am originally from Camoapa, Boaco. I start the day very early serving clients in my tire sales stand. Meanwhile, my younger brother oversees another business. Sometimes, when they are not at University, my nephew and my oldest son help us. We work from Monday to Saturday throughout the day, and on Sunday we rest with the family: My wife and my two children, Randy Francesco and Denis Alexander. My wife is also a small business owner, she has a mini-bookstore at home, which brings additional income.
For 18 years I have stood out as a micro-entrepreneur in the eastern market in Managua, serving the two family businesses – the tire, and vehicle accessories businesses. I contacted FAMA and started requesting microcredit from them ten years ago when I only had a small market stall. It all started with a loan for working capital and then another one to improve my home. I have always been responsible for meeting debt payments and right now I have a $7,000 line of credit.
My dreams are that my children succeed, and to invest in the purchase of a farm in Camoapa so we can rest and enjoy all together. Currently, with the effort and income of the business, I have my house, a four-wheel, and both jobs are active.