Students of Bahadur Academy attending class. Source: Bahadur Social Project
Students of Bahadur Academy attending class. Source: Bahadur Social Project
Student doing their homework. Bahadur Social Project.
Student doing their homework. Bahadur Social Project.
Students listening in class. Source: Bahadur Social Project
Students listening in class. Source: Bahadur Social Project
Boy in the playground. Source: Bahadur Social Project.
Boy in the playground. Source: Bahadur Social Project.

Social Issue

The illiteracy rate in Nepal, especially among the Chepang population, is alarming. Less than half of the population can read and write, and only 1% of women are literate. This is partly due to a shortage of trained teachers, harsh living conditions that prioritize work over education, and geographical difficulties including long distances and lack of basic infrastructure.

Our Response

BSP, an NGO in Nepal, focuses on marginalized communities like the Chepang, promoting sustainable development in rural areas. Its collaboration with the Netri Foundation since 2021 has strengthened educational projects, including the construction of facilities at Shree Thumka Primary School and teacher training in key areas. The Bahadur Academy program offers supplementary classes for students, combining didactic activities with psychopedagogical approaches to stimulate learning. Additionally, it aims to reduce child labor by providing classes before and after school.

Teacher training is carried out in collaboration with the local government, covering areas such as basic pedagogy, child psychology, and curriculum planning. Four annual seminars of three days each are conducted, involving 10 schools, led by education experts and in collaboration with the local government’s education department. Following the training, teachers receive a manual to apply the acquired knowledge in the classroom.

The Bahadur Academy program hires social workers to provide supplementary classes to students from two schools, following the school curriculum and adapting the level to international standards. Additionally, by offering classes before and after school, the program helps reduce child labor by keeping students engaged outside of school hours.

Expected Social Impact

The beneficiaries of the project are the students of the 11 schools in Gandaki municipality who will participate in the school training seminars, which means that around 25 teachers will be trained and 1,100 students will benefit from improved teaching quality.
In addition, students attending the Bahadur Academy are expected to improve their school performance.