Farmer working their field. Source: Unacrep
Farmer working their field. Source: Unacrep
Farmers working their field. Source: Unacrep
Farmers working their field. Source: Unacrep

Social Issue

Benin remains one of the poorest countries in the world. Agriculture generates about 70% of employment and 30% of GDP, but is dependent on rainfall and vulnerable to climate change.

Improving rural communities’ access to financial services and integrating smallholder farmers into sustainable value chains is a powerful way to increase farmers’ incomes and resilience.

Our Response

The Netri Foundation has provided UNACREP with a loan in local currency in order to support its efforts to improve conditions for farmers.

UNACREP started as a philanthropic initiative launched in 1992 by the NGO Sasakawa / Global 2000 (driven by a Japanese philanthropist, an American agronomist Dr. Borlaug, and former US President Jimmy Carter), with the aim to improve food security in Sub-Saharan Africa. In 1998, it was transformed into a cooperative which is made up of 13 regional cooperatives. 

Since its inception, it has focused on financing agricultural projects, offering credit to individuals, groups, and cooperatives. More than 60% of its portfolio is dedicated to supporting farmers with corn, rice, and cotton representing the most important crops. To diversify and complement its offer, it provides loans to microentrepreneurs in urban areas. In addition, UNACREP offers savings products and banking services such as wire transfers to its members.


Expected Social Impact

With this investment of the Netri Foundation, it is estimated that UNACREP will be able to provide more than 1,100 microloans to its clients, with the expected result of improving their income-generating opportunities and improving their well-being.