Farmer tending to his crops. Source: EKI MCF
Farmer tending to his crops. Source: EKI MCF

Social Issue

Despite the progress made in Bosnia and Herzegovina in reducing poverty over the past decades, microfinance continues to play an important role in providing financial and support services to microenterprises and vulnerable people who cannot access traditional sources of finance.

Our Response

Netri has provided a loan to EKI MCF so that they can on-lend to their clients, primarily to support microentrepreneurs in the agricultural sector and to assist families with personal needs, particularly home improvements.

EKI MCF began its activities in 1996 as a not for profit microfinance programme of World Vision International (WVI) and was transformed into a foundation in 2008. Over time, it also became the holding company of the microfinance institution, EKI MCC. At the operational level, there is a clear separation of activities where the Foundation (EKI MCF) focuses on smaller loans to the most vulnerable and is dedicated to the financial inclusion of individuals, micro and small entrepreneurs who do not have adequate access to financial services in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The range of financial and non-financial services, combined with education and counseling, enable the improvement of living standards, and sustainable growth and the development of entrepreneurship.

Expected Social Impact

With Netri Foundation’s investment, it is estimated that EKI MCF will be able to provide more than 350 microloans, with the aim of improving opportunities for its clients and helping them to lift themselves out of poverty.