Leap meeting. Source: Leap
Leap meeting. Source: Leap

Social Issue

The lack of access to quality tertiary education is a significant and growing challenge in Sub-Saharan Africa. It is estimated that only 6% of young people in sub-Saharan Africa are enrolled in higher education institutions, while the world average stands at 26%.

This critical challenge is exacerbated by an acute student financing gap whereby commercial loans are out of reach for most low-and middle-income students, while scholarships are only available to the top 1% of performers. 

Education is one of the most powerful investments to foster social mobility and it is estimated that having a tertiary education can almost double one’s earning potential.

Our Response

The Lending for Education in Africa Partnership (LEAP) is an innovative partnership dedicated to solving the systemic education-to-employment challenge in Sub-Saharan Africa. Through the social lending fund model, LEAP offers affordable student financing, training, and career support services to otherwise underfunded youth in Sub-Saharan Africa. 

Fundación Netri has provided this investment to the LEAP Trust so that it can expand its portfolio of affordable loans to students from lower-income backgrounds.

It is estimated from the surveys conducted so far, that 84% of the LEAP fellows come from the bottom three quintiles and 85% reported that without the LEAP support, they would have not been able to finance their studies.

Expected Social Impact

This Project is expected to have a highly developmental impact by expanding the financing options available to students in Kenya, many from low-income families.

LEAP’s target beneficiaries are high-achieving students who do not possess the means to finance their own education, lack the collateral necessary to receive a commercial loan, and are unable to secure scholarships or government loans sufficient to cover their full tuition and living costs.

At the time Netri made an investment, LEAP was supporting over 810 students. In terms of the direct attribution, it is estimated that the finance provided by Netri can finance 99 students to complete their tertiary education.