Family mother collecting food in Bugesera. Source: Trust and Care
Family mother collecting food in Bugesera. Source: Trust and Care
Food distribution in Bugesera. Source: Trust and Care
Food distribution in Bugesera. Source: Trust and Care
Protection material funded by Trust and Care. Source: Trust and Care
Protection material funded by Trust and Care. Source: Trust and Care
Food distribution in Kayonza. Source: Trust and Care
Food distribution in Kayonza. Source: Trust and Care
Meeting in Koyanza in times of COVID-19. Source: Trust and Care
Meeting in Koyanza in times of COVID-19. Source: Trust and Care

Social Issue

In March 2020, the Rwandan government closed all schools as a security measure to curb the spread of COVID-19. That caused an exacerbation of the situation for the poorest families in the country.

The children support through the sponsorship program run by Trust and Care, mostly remain as boarders. Their home return creates an additional burden for their families, as they have more mouths to feed with the same limited sources of income. In most of the families supported, parents were left without work due to the constraints of the moment, making it very difficult for them to find alternative means to support their families.

Our Response

In response to feedback we received from Trust and Care about the hunger and despair faced by the poorest families, 590 out of 750 families were identified as very vulnerable. This means that they do not always have enough food to feed themself at least once a day. A campaign was organized in which these most vulnerable families received food and sanitary products for two months, the estimated period before the children return to school. Trust and Care also organised training workshops during these distribution campaigns focusing on nutrition and family planning.

Expected Social Impact

A donation of $ 39,234 was provided with the aim of providing assistance to those 590 vulnerable families through the distribution of food and hygiene products to reduce the incidence of hunger and virus infection.