Rehabilitation center patients. Source: Antyodaya Niketan
Rehabilitation center patients. Source: Antyodaya Niketan
Rehabilitation center in New Delhi. Source: Antyodaya Niketan
Rehabilitation center in New Delhi. Source: Antyodaya Niketan

Social Issue

New Delhi is a city of over 22 million people, with high levels of income inequality and many people living in the streets. The government has created `Reign Basseras’ (shelter homes) for the homeless but they do not provide any food or medical care. Further, the numbers of people living in these shelters are exorbitantly high versus their capacity, leading to many people having no option but to live in the streets.

Our Response

Antyodaya Niketan offers the homeless medical assistance via their care home and its mobile medical service, providing them medical care and access to hospitals in emergencies. Their care home accommodates approximately 60-65 inmates, who have been rescued from the streets and are in very poor health and/or are severley handicapped. All the inmates require constant monitoring, medication and physical support for carrying out their daily activities.

Netri Foundation has supported Niketan Antyodaya’s medical centre and mobile health services since 2008 and this year’s donation is focussed on covering the medical costs associated with caring for their inmates in their care home. 

Expected Social Impact

This donation covers medical expenses of their centre for a year, which has the capacity to treat 65 patients.