Woman tending her pig and piglets. Source: Kobby Dagan
Woman tending her pig and piglets. Source: Kobby Dagan

Social Issue

Myanmar (also known as Burma) is a large country in a region of economic growth, yet it is also the poorest country in the region.

About a quarter of the population lives in poverty and, although it is an extremely resource-rich country, its economy is one of the least developed in the world.

Our Response

Microloans are a very powerful tool to promote self-employment. For this reason, we collaborate with Thitsar Ooying LLC, a microfinance institution established and capitalised by the French NGO GRET.

Since 1995, GRET has been a pioneer in providing microcredits in Chin, a very remote and mountainous area in north-western Myanmar. Following the success in Chin, GRET decided to expand its services in 2014 in the Sagaing dry zone. Thus, Thitsar Ooying grew out of the merger and transformation of its two microfinance operations in Chin Province and the Sagaing region.

In 2017 Thitsar Ooying was licensed to operate as a microfinance institution and is regulated by the Central Bank of Myanmar.

This investment has been made through a co-investment agreement with the Cordaid Foundation, an entity with a long history of microfinance support in Myanmar.

Expected Social Impact

With this investment of the Netri Foundation, it is estimated that Thitsar Ooying will be able to provide 3,400 microloans to empower communities in Myanmar.