The Netri Foundation collaborates in this project. Source: Antyodaya Niketan
The Netri Foundation collaborates in this project. Source: Antyodaya Niketan
The center (built in 2011). Source: Antyodaya Niketan
The center (built in 2011). Source: Antyodaya Niketan
The entrance of the reception center. Source: Antyodaya Niketan
The entrance of the reception center. Source: Antyodaya Niketan
The building was constructed near the New Delhi railway station. Source: Antyodaya Niketan
The building was constructed near the New Delhi railway station. Source: Antyodaya Niketan
Interior of one of the downtown rooms. Source: Antyodaya Niketan
Interior of one of the downtown rooms. Source: Antyodaya Niketan
One of those responsible for the reception and rehabilitation of the indigent. Source: Antyodaya Niketan
One of those responsible for the reception and rehabilitation of the indigent. Source: Antyodaya Niketan

Social Issue

The beneficiaries of the project are homeless people from the streets of Delhi, who are found around the train station, by the riverbank, or in religious temples.

Homeless in New Delhi have absolutely nothing. They are completely uprooted, without a feeling of belonging to any group since they have nowhere to go, and their self-esteem is very low. Many are sick and do not have access to any hospital, and some are subjected to criminal gangs that exploit or even physically abuse them.

They not only need shelter. It is important to be able to enter their lives, earn their trust, develop their abilities, offer them alternatives for change, and they will, in turn, become catalysts for the development of others that are in the same situation.

Our Response

This project is aimed at financing the maintenance of the centre, which needs to repair its roof and solar system. Besides, the centre will be set up to enable access to people with disabilities.

The centre was built in 2011 with grants from the Netri Foundation. 9 instructors, 5 volunteers, 2 doctors, and 2 nurses work at the center. Part of this donation is also used to purchase medicines and materials for patients care.

Expected Social Impact

The services carried out in the centre are:

  • Medical check-ups and distribution of medicines.
  • Rehabilitation programmes for drug addicts.
  • Counseling and emotional support services.
  • A basic literacy and vocational training programme.
  • The creation of a social network that generates the feeling of belonging and mediates for its cause at the institutional level.