Center in Moluka. Source: CECFOR
Center in Moluka. Source: CECFOR
Installation of solar panels in the center in Moluka. Source: CECFOR
Installation of solar panels in the center in Moluka. Source: CECFOR
Mothers waiting to be cared for in the center of Moluka. Source: CECFOR
Mothers waiting to be cared for in the center of Moluka. Source: CECFOR
A pregnant woman watching the ultrasound of her baby. Source: CECFOR
A pregnant woman watching the ultrasound of her baby. Source: CECFOR

Social Issue

The health services offered in Kinshasa fall far short of meeting the basic needs of the population for primary care, ordinary specialised medicine (gynaecology, surgery, paediatrics, etc.) and hospital care. This situation is particularly acute in the outlying suburban neighbourhoods.

Our Response

In accordance with the needs of the area, the project consists of clearing access to the clinics at Eliba, Moluka, and Kimbondo (the roads are almost impassable), providing them with solar panels so they have electricity, equipping them with diagnostic materials, and supplying their pharmacies with basic medication.

The aim is to facilitate the use of these medical centres by the local population, with the resulting improved performance and increased referrals of more serious cases requiring a higher level of care to the General Hospital of Reference in Monkole.

The project also contemplates training in different maternal and infant health specialisations for the healthcare providers and the teams of doctors and nurses in the Health Centres.

Expected Social Impact

The number of direct beneficiaries (centre users) is 6,000, of which 3,000 are children, 600 are pregnant and 2,400 are mothers.