Fruit and vegetable sellers in the Fugalei market. Source: Corners 74
Fruit and vegetable sellers in the Fugalei market. Source: Corners 74

Social Issue

According to the UN, Samoa is one of the least developed countries in the world. This places the nation at the level of most African countries and others like Bangladesh or Haiti. According to a UNDP study, 25% of Samoan families live below the poverty line, on less than two dollars a day.

Our Response

SPBD, founded by Greg Casagrande, an American businessman, started its activities in Samoa in 2000. It is a microfinance entity similar to the Grameen Bank whose objective is to help the poor people of Samoa. Its creator has replicated the model in Fiji and Tonga.

Expected Social Impact

With the investment of the Netri Foundation,  SPBD is expected to give 370 microcredits by the end of the 3-year duration of the project.