Shoa village women are responsible for bringing water to their homes every day. Source: A Glimmer of Hope
Shoa village women are responsible for bringing water to their homes every day. Source: A Glimmer of Hope

Social Issue

Ethiopia is one of the most drought prone countries in the world, a problem exacerbated by climate change.

Having access to clean drinking water in rural communities, represents a significant improvement in their quality of life. Not only does this substantially reduce the incidence of water borne diseases, it also reduces the burden of collecting water. With a well close to home, girls go to school instead of spending hours every day collecting water for their families.

Our Response

Glimmer of Hope started a programme in 2015 to provide clean water and to improve living conditions in the villages of Shoa, in the Oromia region and is currently completing their work in this region. The Netri Foundation has partnered with Glimmer on this project from the beginning. 

In 2019, our contribution will finance the construction of 19 wells: 3 shallow boreholes and 6 hand-dug wells in various Shoa villages.

The local partner, the Oromia Development Association (ODA), is responsible for the construction and management of this programme. Once the project is finished, the management and maintenance of the wells will be transferred to the village committees.

Expected Social Impact

This program is aimed at Shoa village communities, made up of a total of 3,600 people and is expected to generate the following results:

  • To provide clean drinking water from the wells built.
  • Formation of community led committees, trained in water management and maintenance skills that will allow communities to sustainably maintain the wells after completion.
  • To reduce diseases, given the use of clean water, which also contributes to reducing the costs of medical expenditures and improving the self-esteem of the community.
  • To improve the lives of women and girls, who normally bear the burden of fetching water.