Kyi Moe in his guitar store. Source: Myanmar Finance International Ltd
Kyi Moe in his guitar store. Source: Myanmar Finance International Ltd

Social Issue

Myanmar is a large country in a region of economic growth, yet it is also the poorest country in the region. About a quarter of the population lives in poverty and, although it is an extremely resource-rich country, its economy is one of the least developed in the world. Microfinance has been identified by the government as a priority sector to achieve poverty reduction in Myanmar, as it brings financial services to otherwise unbanked individuals.

Our Response

Myanmar Finance International Ltd (MFIL) has its origins in 2012 when it was founded by a local businessman, U Htet Nyi. MFIL’s mission is to offer services to people who do not have access to financial services.

Myanmar has a population of 54 million, of which only 25% have a bank account. MFIL makes loans mainly to groups, but lately the number of individual loans is increasing. Most of their clients are women (85%) residing in urban and peri-urban areas. The average loan size is $210, slightly lower than the value of the sector’s loans.

Expected Social Impact

With the investment of the Netri Foundation, it is estimated that MFIL will be able to provide 4,200 microloans with the idea of empowering communities in Myanmar.