Obtaining clean water from the well in the town of Sapuougo. Source: Rimkieta's Friends
Obtaining clean water from the well in the town of Sapuougo. Source: Rimkieta's Friends
El pozo en el pueblo de Sapuougo. Fuente: Amigos de Rimkieta
El pozo en el pueblo de Sapuougo. Fuente: Amigos de Rimkieta

Social Issue

In Burkina Faso, a country whose main economic resources are agriculture and livestock, getting water is a constant struggle. 35% of the rural population has practically no access to it. The Friends of Rimkieta Foundation, with the financing of the Netri Foundation, will rehabilitate a well with the aim of supplying the town of Sapuougo, in the commune of Pô, with water.

Our Response

The fundamental objective of the project is to facilitate the extraction of water and thus benefiting the women of the town, who have to spend hours extracting it from the closest wells.

Expected Social Impact

The beneficiaries of the well are 150 families from the towns within five kilometres from the well, a total of about 1,500 people. We estimate that 10,000 liters of water are extracted daily for irrigation, consumption, personal hygiene, and to water livestock.