What we have achieved
The impact of our grants and social investments in numbers
Since Inception:
- We have financed 136 institutions, disbursing more than 64 million euros
- We have incentivised a further 17 million euros from other investors as a result of our catalytic investment initiatives
- We have donated more than 6.7 million euros to support the programmes of 34 other organisations
To measure the impact of all our activities, we have adopted a methodology to calculate the social impact of each investment and grant.

Impact by focus area
Summary of our main projects and their impact
More than 300,000 children with access to education
- Construction of 20 schools, a student residence, and 5 libraries
- Loans to affordable private schools to finance new facilities: more than 160,000 primary school students enjoying a better quality education
- Loans to university students: 290 students who can complete their degree
- More than 2.200 children receiving support to attend school: an opportunity to a better childhood and brighter prospects
- 2,760 radios distributed for distance education: around 55,000 people with access to education and vital information for everyday life
- 4,000 bicycles distributed: providing children living in remote parts a means to reach their study centres

More than 375,000 people with improved access to health services
Maternal, Newborn and Reproductive Health
- 3 programmes to improve care for pregnant women and infants to reduce maternal and child mortality/morbidity, reaching over 130,000 women.
- Construction of a maternal operating theatre.
Child health and nutrition
- 16 medical nutritional support programs: More than 7,500 children who have recovered from severe malnutrition
- Construction of 13 health rooms in schools as part of a holistic programme to improve the health of children aged 6-17 years.

Addressing inequalities in access to health care
- Infrastructural improvements of 4 clinics in remote areas: 3,200 people have benefited from improved access and medical attention
- 1 shelter and 3 mobile medical service: 180,000 homeless people have received medical and social care
- Over 9,500 alerts identifying counterfeit medication, which if ingested, could have led to serious complications and even death.
- 1 ophthalmology project aimed to reduce preventable blindness in Sub-Saharan Africa: Our contribution has facilitated over 700 cataract surgeries with a high-quality result.
- Supporting a primary healthcare programme in countries with a high incidence of disease and mortality, applying an innovative model that works with governments to improve health outcomes at the national level.

More than 100,000 agricultural input loans and services provided to smallholder farmers
- To enhance the productivity and commercial opportunities of their farming activities
- Thousands of farmers benefitting from greater food security, higher incomes and better prospects for their families

144 houses built
- Decent homes to improve the quality of life and protect families from cold and heat

More than 375,000 microcredits
- Thousands of families gaining access to credits, savings accounts, business education, and technical support
- More opportunities and tools to set up their businesses and better manage their household finances

More than 290,000 households benefiting from solar energy in their homes
- Cheaper, healthier and higher quality light and energy

More than 70,000 people with access to drinking water
- 189 water wells constructed in villages
- Communities who are now less likely to suffer from water borne diseases
- Woman and girls freed from the hard task of fetching water