Social investments to fight poverty
We want to build a world where there is no inequality between human beings, where children can grow with the same opportunities wherever they are born, and where no one shows indifference to poverty.
We contribute through donations and social investments to projects that help the most disadvantaged, the poor among the poor, sharing the hope that they can lead the dignified life every human being deserves.

A world without poverty
If aliens were to come and see the state of the world, they may find it very hard to comprehend the total abundance that some experience compared to the absolute misery of others. It may be even more difficult for them to understand why so little is done about solving this inequality. Inequality and indifference – traits that should embarrass us in front of our alien visitors.
At the Netri Foundation we believe in the ideal of a world without poverty. Our main motivation and the goal that gives meaning to our daily activity is to try to solve, to the best of our ability, this inequality and the indifference towards it.