Client of OXUS. Source: OXUS
Client of OXUS. Source: OXUS
Client of OXUS. Source: OXUS
Client of OXUS. Source: OXUS
Client of OXUS. Source: OXUS
Client of OXUS. Source: OXUS
Client of OXUS. Source: OXUS
Client of OXUS. Source: OXUS

Social Issue

Tajikistan remains the poorest country in Central Asia. With the lack of economic opportunities, many families are heavily reliant on remittances from members working abroad, mostly in Russia and Kazakhstan.

Promoting domestic business opportunity is a key driver to reduce poverty in the country and financial access to grow micro enterprises remains very limited.

Our Response

Netri has provided a loan to Oxus Tajikistan which is dedicated to providing financial services mainly to rural communities (80% of its clients) in southern Tajikistan, providing them with flexible and affordable loans to support their economic activities. Oxus Tajikistan was created by the NGO Acted in 2004 and forms part of the Oxus Group, whose mission is to improve the economic and social conditions of low-income populations that are not served by the banking sector.

Expected Social Impact

In terms of Netri’s attribution, it is estimated that with this loan, Oxus Tajikistan will be able to grant more than 800 microloans, with the intention of improving the opportunities and welfare of its clients.