Beneficiary of the project. Source: MyAgro
Beneficiary of the project. Source: MyAgro
Women's nutrition training. Source: MyAgro
Women's nutrition training. Source: MyAgro
Beneficiary of the project. Source: MyAgro
Beneficiary of the project. Source: MyAgro

Social Issue

Many subsistence farmers in Mali and Tanzania live off their crops and often have seasonal cash flows of less than $1.5 per day. This situation does not allow them to buy quality seeds to improve their crop production yields.

Low profits also result in the inability to purchase adequate tools, forcing them to maintain outdated and inefficient farming methods.

Farmers are thus thrown into a situation of extreme poverty, where for 2-3 months of the year they live with food shortages, causing serious malnutrition problems.


Our Response

Since 2017, Netri has partnered with MyAgro Farms by providing loans for the purchase of agricultural inputs to be distributed to farmers prior to the planting season.

MyAgro Farms, is a US-registered non-profit organization active in Mali and Senegal. Through a mobile application designed by the company itself, farmers can purchase high-quality seeds, fertilizers and agricultural tools before the planting season, and receive technical training. MyAgro’s agents also work closely with farmers to advise them at all times.

Their clients are usually farmers who are poorer than average in the countries where they are located and who are usually unable to buy good quality inputs due to lack of liquidity before the planting season. They tend to have seasonal cash flows and food insecurity about 2 or 3 months a year.


Expected Social Impact

In 2023, myAgro worked with more than 200,000 farmers, 65% of whom were women. The main indicator to measure its impact is to calculate the increase in production farmers have achieved using myAgro Farms’ services. In 2023, its farmers were able to produce 2.5 times more compared to a control group.