Two women from the villages of Debub Sodo at one of the shallow borehole's Netri funded in 2021. Source: A Glimmer of Hope
Two women from the villages of Debub Sodo at one of the shallow borehole's Netri funded in 2021. Source: A Glimmer of Hope

Social Issue

in Ethiopia, droughts exacerbated by climate change are endemic. Having access to clean drinking water near homes in rural communities, such as in Debub Sodo in the southern part of the country, significantly improves the quality of life. This not only reduces the incidence of diseases but also alleviates the burden of water collection, usually carried out by women and girls.

Our Response

Since 2007, our partner, A Glimmer of Hope, has been addressing rural poverty in Ethiopia. Netri has supported their efforts to provide clean drinking water by financing the construction of 170 wells benefiting over 65,800 people.

This donation will support the project in Debub Sodo, covering 17 districts and 12,177 households. A Glimmer aims to improve economic, educational, gender, and health conditions, including access to clean water. 

Netri’s donation will fund an additional 7 shallow wells, 5 spring protection development projects, and 2 hand-dug wells.

The local partner, Guraghe Development Association (GDCA), is responsible for the construction and management of this program. Upon project completion, well management and maintenance will be handed over to village committees.

Expected Social Impact

Based on the assessment conducted by A Glimmer of Hope, clean water is a significant priority for the communities of Debub Sodo. It is expected that the donation will generate these outcomes:

  • Drinking water from the wells built in 9 districts of Debub Sodo (located 1.5 km or 30 minutes walking distance).
  • Establishment and training of Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene Committees (WASHCOs), comprised of community members themselves, to ensure long-term well maintenance.
  • Reduction of diseases due to the consumption of clean water, which also empowers girls: their journey to the wells is safer and takes less time, allowing them to attend school.