Client of Avanza. Source: Avanza Sólido
Client of Avanza. Source: Avanza Sólido
Client of Avanza. Source: Avanza Sólido
Client of Avanza. Source: Avanza Sólido
Client of Avanza. Source: Avanza Sólido
Client of Avanza. Source: Avanza Sólido

Social Issue

According to the World Bank, Mexico is behind in terms of financial inclusion. Only 37% of adults have accounts and only 32% have made or received digital payments, both significantly lower than in countries with similar levels of development. Financial access gaps by gender, region, and urban-rural setting are also considerably larger in Mexico than in the Latin American and Caribbean regions. The absence of credit in rural areas depresses economic activity, perpetuating economic inequality.

Our Response

Netri provided a loan to Avanza Sólido, a Mexican microfinance institution with a gender focus and more than ten years of experience in providing microcredits. Its mission is to strengthen the economic independence of women and their families through financial services and products that bring well-being to the community, such as working capital and home improvement loans. The company has operations in central and southern Mexico, with offices in the states of Chiapas, Veracruz, Yucatán and Tabasco.

Expected Social Impact

With this loan from Netri, it is estimated that Avanza will be able to grant more than 470 microloans, with the objective of improving the opportunities and well-being of its clients.