Construction of the new school. Source: Misión de Emaus
Construction of the new school. Source: Misión de Emaus
Class in the old school. Source: Misión de Emaus
Class in the old school. Source: Misión de Emaus

Social Issue

The Kilulu Mission area in Kilifi county is located about 70 km from the city of Malindi. The Human Development Index for Kilifi County is 0.560, but in the Kilulu area it drops to 0.350 due to lack of development.

This area has several primary and secondary schools, most of them lack essential equipment and perform poorly. Most of the schools are in a dilapidated state. With dilapidated classrooms, lack of water and little food, there are very high levels of absenteeism and test scores are very low. In fact, 55% of children who start school do not finish elementary school.

Our Response

Netri Foundation has been collaborating since 2015 with the Emmaus Mission of the Garissa county, with the aim of improving the situation in the region through education. Its Fraternity Foundation (Fraternity of the Holy Cross and all Saints) is in charge of schools, nutrition centers, training and recreational programs, health centers, and other integral development programs such as agriculture, water and social assistance programs in the regions of the 3 counties of Garissa, Ngong, and Kilulu. The Fraternity is recognized by the Kenyan government as a “Trust” with its own legal entity and can act throughout its territory for charitable and developmental purposes according to its objectives.

This contribution of Netri is directed to the construction of the elementary school and kindergarten class for 300 children in Kilulu equipped with a dining room, kitchen, and construction of sanitary services. Meals will be distributed daily at the school to ensure good nutrition for the pupils. 

The current school in Kilulu has less than 100 children from kindergarten to grade 4 due mainly to the dilapidated structure and poor nutrition they receive.

The sustainability of the school is ensured with most of the teachers being paid by the ministry of education. The parents of the students will contribute a small tuition fee that will help in the maintenance of the school.

The Kilulu Mission and the Fraternity is responsible for the maintenance and continuation of the activities in the school, especially helping with food for a good nutrition and with some scholarships for the most disadvantaged children.

Expected Social Impact

The new Kilulu school with a capacity for 300 children will provide quality education in the area with the aim of reducing absenteeism and increasing the level of education in the area. Another objective is to improve the nutrition and hygiene of 300 students who are direct beneficiaries of the project through a meal distribution program at the Kilulu school.

Children enrolling in the school will be admitted without any discrimination based on gender, ethnicity, religion, or social status. However, preference will be given to students from poorer or dysfunctional families, with preference given to girls.