Client with her tomato crop. Source: FACES
Client with her tomato crop. Source: FACES

Social Issue

Ecuador was one of the most unequal countries in Latin America in terms of income distribution. As a consequence of this situation, millions of Ecuadorians emigrated abroad, and many others had to move from the countryside to the city, where most of the country’s economic activity is concentrated.

Our Response

The Netri Foundation has provided Fundación FACES with a loan in order to support them in carrying out their mission of helping to combat poverty and unemployment in the country, supporting microentrepreneurs with economic, technical and digital resources for their integral development. 

It began its activities in 1991 in the province of Loja, always focusing on serving social groups with fewer resources. Throughout its 31 years of operation, the Foundation has been present in eight provinces in the northern, central and southern highlands, the coast and the Amazon of Ecuador. 

FACES focuses on granting microcredits mainly to the agricultural sector. In addition, FACES generates alternatives for the development and conservation of natural resources within the framework of sustainable agriculture strategies, production chains, and value chains.  The rest of its portfolio is dedicated to helping microentrepreneurs sustain their small businesses.

Expected Social Impact

With this investment Faces will be able to provide more than 260 microcredits to its clients, with the expected result of improving their opportunities and living conditions.