Social Issue

More than 100 million people in Pakistan do not have access to financing. Although financial inclusion has grown from 8% to 18% of the population in the last 3 years, only 5% of Pakistani women have a bank account.

Our Response

The Netri Foundation has provided Kashf Foundation with a loan to support its efforts to service micro-entrepreneurs, particularly women with the aim to improve the well-being of their families.

Inspired by the success of Grameen Bank, Kashf Foundation was launched in 1996 with the mission to provide high quality and cost-effective microfinance services to low-income families and micro-entrepreneurs in Pakistan with the objective to alleviate household poverty and enable all, especially women, to become active agents of social and economic change.

They are now one of the largest MFIs in Pakistan, offering individual loans, financial and business training, and a range of other financial services including micro-insurance to women. Their operations are concentrated in Punjab but also service rural urban areas of Sindh, Kyber, Paktunkhwa, and Balushistan. .

Expected Social Impact

With this investment of the Fundación Netri, it is estimated that Kashf will be able to provide 8,485 microloans to their women clients, with the expected outcome of enhancing their business opportunities, incomes, and wellbeing and also reducing the gender inequality gap.