Farmers gathered to receive training from One Acre Fund. Source: One Acre Fund
Farmers gathered to receive training from One Acre Fund. Source: One Acre Fund

Social Issue

According to the Global Hunger Index, Burundi is one of the world’s most food-scarce countries. The country leads the world ranking for the rate of stunting in children. Therefore, improvements in agricultural productivity of households are an urgent human priority.

Our Response

One Acre Fund is a non-profit entity incorporated in 2005 in Illinois, United States. It provides financing and training to small farmers so that they can escape hunger and poverty. In 2006, this NGO started operating in Kenya, and in the following years, it expanded to Rwanda, Burundi, Tanzania, Malawi, and Uganda. Its Burundi programme was launched in 2011 and it focuses on helping its farmers, one of the world’s poorest.


Expected Social Impact

The Netri grant will finance part of its Burundi program, launched in 2011. The amount of this grant comes from interest income on the loan that Netri provided to the One Acre Fund in 2017, over a period of 3 years.

It is estimated that it will cover the necessary subsidies to help more than 500 farmers a year.