Entrepreneurs selling their products. Source: pixabay
Entrepreneurs selling their products. Source: pixabay
Farmers. Source: IMON International
Farmers. Source: IMON International
Sadulaeva Gulbahor. Source: IMON International
Sadulaeva Gulbahor. Source: IMON International

Social Issue

Despite the sustained economic growth that Tajikistan has experienced in recent years, poverty remains a serious problem for most of its inhabitants. Tajikistan remains one of the poorest countries in the world with a gross national income (GNI) per capita of $1,110 according to World Bank data. Poverty reduction is, therefore, one of the country’s priorities.

Our Response

Microloans are a powerful tool to promote small-scale productive activity and improve farmers’ productivity.

IMON was created in 1999 as a programme of the Tajikistan Business Women’s Association to incentivise other women to develop their businesses. It is now the largest microfinance institution in the country, offering a wide range of financial services. Its mission is to reduce poverty by providing financial services to microenterprises.

IMON’s activities are concentrated in the north of the country with 60% of loans in rural areas. The average size of its microcredits is $765 (the sector average is over 1,500), proof of its commitment to society and microentrepreneurs.

In this context, entities such as IMON, which aims to support entrepreneurs in rural areas and help them generate income and employment, are a very important support for the local economy.

Netri granted its first loan to IMON in 2011.

Expected Social Impact

Thanks to the investment of the Netri Foundation, it is estimated that IMON will be able to grant 260 microloans with the idea of empowering rural communities in northern Tajikistan.