Sacha Inchi. Photo by:Michael Hermann
Sacha Inchi. Photo by:Michael Hermann

Social Issue

The Bolivian population is made up of 62% of indigenous communities, representing around 7 million people. Part of this indigenous community still lives in rural areas poorly communicated with the rest of the country. There is still a social conflict that excludes them from the current system, which includes the lack of adequate means of transport, very limited access to healthcare, and the lack of regular income. Often these communities have to move to urban areas to find work. At other times, they generate their income through illegal activities such as deforestation.

Our Response

Agroseller is a Bolivian company specialized in the production, marketing, and logistics of agricultural products such as chia, quinoa, and sesame, three types of superfoods. Agroseller’s value proposition is to connect low-income local farmers with a local and international clientele of large distributors and food processors. These seek to satisfy the consumption needs of a healthier diet, of higher quality, and with traceability. Through collaboration with its sister company, Organic Farm, Agroseller ensures that producers receive high-quality seeds, cash upfront, and technical assistance.

Organic Farm currently works with more than 250 families from the nature reserves of Copaibo, Bajo Paraguá, Amboró, and Madidi. They are peasant and indigenous communities with a great agricultural tradition. Farmers working with Organic Farm have diversified their crops from one to two a year, and have also established agroforestry systems that provide them with additional income. This close relationship with farmers guarantees quality and traceability to Agroseller.

Expected Social Impact

Netri’s loan will be used to finance part of a micropropagation laboratory, a technology applied to plants to obtain seedlings with better agricultural performance, and to introduce new crops of sacha inchi and moringa. These seedlings will be made available to growers through a trade agreement whereby Organic Farm will purchase all produce from farmers. The introduction of these new crops is expected to provide a significant increase in their income.

The goal is for the micropropagation project to benefit 50 producers in two years. In the second year of the project, earnings per farmer are also expected to increase by 920%. Using our methodology to calculate impact, this Netri loan will allow 19 farmers and their families increase their current income.