Solutions for agricultural machinery using solar energy. Source: SolarNow
Solutions for agricultural machinery using solar energy. Source: SolarNow
Solutions for water supply using solar energy. Source: SolarNow
Solutions for water supply using solar energy. Source: SolarNow
Irrigation solutions using solar energy. Source: SolarNow
Irrigation solutions using solar energy. Source: SolarNow
Using solar energy. Source: SolarNow
Using solar energy. Source: SolarNow

Social Issue

An estimated 53 million people in Uganda and Kenya do not have access to the electricity grid and depend on kerosene to light their homes, on diesel generators and batteries to charge other electrical devices. These lighting systems pose a high risk of accidents in the form of fires and poisoning. Besides, in the long term, they generate a greater expense for the people who use them.

Our Response

SolarNow is a Dutch-based for-profit social enterprise created in 2011 that focuses on households and entrepreneurs who do not have access to the electricity grid in Uganda and Kenya. SolarNow provides services to entrepreneurs who need electrical solutions for productive purposes in rural areas and the agricultural sector. Thus, the company has a range of solar systems and electrical devices with a service tailored to its customers, since they can choose the power and type of devices they need, and finance them through a payment plan of 24 months.

Expected Social Impact

With this loan, the Netri Foundation hopes to benefit more than 250 homes and entrepreneurs who will be able to enjoy access to electricity.