Gondar's Birchiko now spends less time collecting water each day. Source: A Glimmer of Hope
Gondar's Birchiko now spends less time collecting water each day. Source: A Glimmer of Hope
Shoa village women responsible for bringing water to their homes every day. Source: A Glimmer of Hope
Shoa village women responsible for bringing water to their homes every day. Source: A Glimmer of Hope

Social Issue

Ethiopia is one of the most drought prone countries in the world, a problem exacerbated by climate change.

Having access to clean drinking water in rural communities, represents a significant improvement in their quality of life. Not only does this substantially reduce the incidence of water borne diseases, it also reduces the burden of collecting water. With a well close to home, girls go to school instead of spending hours everyday collecting water for their families.

Our Response

The Glimmer of Hope project is based on the construction of 9 hand dug wells and 8 shallow-boreholes for the two Ethiopian regions. In the towns of Gondar, 2 shallow wells and 8 deeper wells have been dug; 7 shallow wells have been dug in Shoa. All of these provide the communities with clean water

Expected Social Impact

This project is expected to generate the following results:

  • To provide clean drinking water for approximately 3,400 community members in the villages of Gondar and in Shoa.
  • Formation of community led committees, trained in water management and maintenance skills that will allow communities to sustainably maintain projects after completion.
  • To reduce diseases, given the use of clean water, which also contributes to reducing the costs of medical expenditures and improving the self-esteem of the community.
  • To improve the lives of women and girls, who normally bear the burden of fetching water.