Commercial vehicle on the streets of New Delhi. Source: Salvador Aznar
Commercial vehicle on the streets of New Delhi. Source: Salvador Aznar

Social Issue

Surveys conducted in the regions where Esskay operates reveal that entrepreneurs in the commercial transport business who do not own their vehicles earn on average $1,800 a year but once they have their own vehicle their earnings increase to $3,300 a year.

Our Response

“Esskay” Auto Finance is a non-bank financial institution that offers entrepreneurs loans for light commercial vehicles (such as auto-rickshaws). The company targets clients who are low income, self-employed entrepreneurs and first time buyers living in Tier II rural and peri-urban areas.

“Esskay” facilitates access to finance to drivers in underserved regions by providing a diverse suite of affordable loans coupled with non-financial support and advice so that they can purchase a vehicle and run their own business.


Expected Social Impact

This investment of the Netri Foundation is expected to provide some 1,500 entrepreneurs with the means necessary to purchase their own vehicles.