Two girls studying. Source: d.light
Two girls studying. Source: d.light

Social Issue

It is estimated that there are 1,500 million people in the world that live off-grid. In D.light’s priority markets alone (Kenya, Nigeria, and India), 555 million people lack access to electricity. Approximately 98% of off-grid households rely on kerosene for lighting and cooking. Kerosene produces poor light, its fumes are toxic leading to respiratory diseases, and it is the cause of many fires and burns. It is estimated that more than 4 million people die yearly from respiratory diseases linked to the use of fossil fuels for lighting and cooking. Kerosene is also relatively expensive, representing 10-20% of the household’s monthly income. By replacing it, purchasing power can be enhanced.

Our Response

D.light is a world-leading designer and manufacturer of high-quality affordable solar lighting and power products for people living off-grid.

The company was created in 2006 by Sam Goldman and Ned Tozun with the aim of providing households with fewer resources with a profitable and safe source of energy. In 2008 they launched their first product and currently have a range of seven, from low-cost flashlights (just $5 a unit) to solar panels.

Expected Social Impact

With this loan, Netri hopes to impact over 198,000 households (close to one million people) by benefiting from higher quality, cheaper and safer lighting in their homes.