Students at the new school. Source: The Nobelity Project
Students at the new school. Source: The Nobelity Project
The conditions of the previous school. Source: The Nobelity Project
The conditions of the previous school. Source: The Nobelity Project
Construction of the new school. Source: The Nobelity Project
Construction of the new school. Source: The Nobelity Project
The new school. Source: The Nobelity Project
The new school. Source: The Nobelity Project

Social Issue

Mahiga is a rural community in the Aberdare Mountains, about 175 kilometres north of Nairobi. The main economic activity in the area is small-scale agriculture, which relies excessively on a good rainy season, something that has not occurred in recent years. As a consequence, the families engaged in this activity have seen their incomes drop sharply.

Our Response

The Mahiga Hope High School boasted of a newly opened secondary school (the first in the area) but its primary school had become obsolete: Dirt floors, wooden walls eaten by termites, and few entrances to natural light, which was absolutely necessary as there was no electricity supply.

The project consists in the construction of four classrooms for the fifth to the eighth courses, in which there are about 50 students, although it is expected that this figure will increase in the near future.

Expected Social Impact

It is hoped that with these new facilities, students will be better prepared and have a greater chance of success on national university entrance exams.