Dos viudas cuidando su ganado. Fuente: Fundación VIcente Ferrer
Dos viudas cuidando su ganado. Fuente: Fundación VIcente Ferrer
Rajamma with her two sons in her kiosk. Source: Armman
Rajamma with her two sons in her kiosk. Source: Armman

Social Issue

In Indian society, widowhood or abandonment of women often results in marginalization and violation of human rights, a situation exacerbated by illiteracy, lack of awareness, ingrained traditions and social stigmas. A single mother with dependent children faces numerous challenges and significant social and economic insecurity.

Our Response

In collaboration with Fundación Vicente Ferrer and its local counterpart in India (Rural Development Trust), Netri is financing part of this project, which seeks to promote the empowerment of vulnerable women, increasing their self-esteem and self-confidence to enable them to build a better future for themselves.

To this end, social and psychological counseling is provided, as well as training and means to enable them to start a small business and generate income to support their families. In addition to awareness-raising and training in legal, social, economic, health and gender issues, access to quality health care and nutrition is provided. It also provides conditions for the continuity of their children’s education.

The life cycle of the project is 18 months, starting from the beginning of the implementation of its activities.

Expected Social Impact

This donation covers the expenses to support 15 of the 110 women benefiting from the program. Each woman supported has 2 dependent children. It is expected to promote the integration, independence, and well-being of these women and their children.