Street seller. Source: Share Guatemala
Street seller. Source: Share Guatemala
Agricultural farmer. Source: Share Guatemala
Agricultural farmer. Source: Share Guatemala

Social Issue

In Guatemala, the poverty index and inequality index are consistently high, particularly in rural areas. The social and economic effects of COVID have increased the incidence of poverty and the existing vulnerabilities.

The rural communities find themselves on many occasions without the resources to access an education or financial services to help them invest to improve their quality of life.

Our Response

Netri collaborates with SHARE, financing them so they can grant microloans to their clients.

SHARE was founded in 1987 . Since 2007 they operate a microfinance unit, that has seen positive growth in its portfolio. Its focus is on helping entrepreneurs, offering loans not only to individuals but also to solidarity groups and banks in rural communities in Guatemala.

On top of granting loans to rural businessmen, SHARE promotes different programs to promote the education of children and the young to strengthen the conservation of natural resources through reforestation, soil conservation, and water projects. SHARE has participated in the introduction of drinking water installations, the construction, and the improvement of roads, bridges, schools, and medical assistance. It also offers programs for nutritional information in the communities it works in.

Expected Social Impact

Because of the investment done by the Fundación Netri, it is estimated that SHARE will be able to grant more than 1,300 loans, with the objective of improving the business and wellbeing opportunities of their clients.