Flower vendor in a Yangong market. Source: Phuong D. Nguyen
Flower vendor in a Yangong market. Source: Phuong D. Nguyen

Social Issue

Myanmar is a large country in a region of economic growth, yet it is also the poorest country in the region.

About a quarter of the population lives in poverty and, although it is an extremely resource-rich country, its economy is one of the least developed in the world.

Our Response

Microloans are a very powerful tool to promote self-employment and reduce poverty levels. For this reason, we collaborate with ASA Myanmar, whose mission is to offer financial services to predominantly female low income entrepreneurs without access to the traditional banking system, so that they can develop their businesses and thereby improve their socio-economic situation.

ASA Myanmar established in 2014 is licenced as a deposit-taking microfinance institution. ASA Myanmar is wholly owned and controlled by ASA International, being one of the world’s largest international microfinance institutions.

Expected Social Impact

With this loan, it is estimated that Asa Myanmar will be able to provide over 3.500 microloans to empower communities in Myanmar.