Women selling fruit and vegetables in St. Marc. Source: Glenda
Women selling fruit and vegetables in St. Marc. Source: Glenda

Social Issue

Haiti is the poorest country in the western hemisphere. In 2018, their per capita income is $870, and 6 million Haitians live below the poverty line, on less than $2.4 a day. Haiti ranks 168 out of 189 in the Human Development Index.

Our Response

We collaborate with Action pour la Cooperation avec la Micro Enterprise S.A. (ACME), an entity founded in 1997 with the mission of providing financial services to microentrepreneurs to promote economic development in Haiti.

In 2009, it was transformed into an LLC and, as of 2013, two prestigious international shareholders entered, the Inter-American Development Bank and Incofin. With the support of these international shareholders, ACME operates following best business practices and, at the same time, maintains its social performance by collaborating with the most disadvantaged segments of the country, especially as it continues to expand its product offers and to reach more rural areas throughout Haiti.

Expected Social Impact

With this investment of the Netri Foundation, it is estimated that ACME will be able to provide more than 1,200 microloans in the country to empower Haitian communities to generate employment.