Trust and Care students who have graduated. Source: Trust and Care
Trust and Care students who have graduated. Source: Trust and Care

Social Issue

Higher education is an excellent way to promote social mobility. However, students with fewer resources often find it difficult to obtain funding for their college education. This causes the cycle of poverty to continue.

Our Response

Since 2007, the Netri Foundation has collaborated with the NGO Trust and Care with the aim of improving the situation in Rwanda through education. In addition to sponsoring students during their primary and secondary studies, Trust and Care grants interest-free loans to young college students. These are returned once the students finish their studies and start working.

Expected Social Impact

Sponsoring a student during their school years and not supporting them at the university stage would mean giving up their potential.

At first glance, it might seem that a university loan to 36 students in terms of cost/ social impact is not an effective measure since the amount to be financed is high and the number of beneficiaries is small.

However, there are a series of determining factors that change this perception: in the African countries the social work carried out by a person who has finished a career among their relatives and acquaintances who have not had the same fate is very big, and this social work is achieved precisely by the additional income that obtaining a job as a result of having gone to university provides.