Farmers during the harvest. Source: Piotr Velixar
Farmers during the harvest. Source: Piotr Velixar

Social Issue

Moldova is one of the poorest countries in Europe and has an extremely high emigration rate. It is estimated that a third of the economically active population works abroad. The money these migrants send to their families is one of the engines of Moldova’s economy, which is also highly dependent on agriculture.

Small businesses still represent a much smaller part of the country’s GDP. This is due, in part, to historical reasons: The dominance of large industries, the delay in the transition to a free-market economy, and a banking sector that does not respond to the needs of small entrepreneurs.

Our Response

Microinvest SRL is a microfinance entity created in 2003 by the Soros Foundation. It stands out for its notable presence in rural Moldova and its point of view, since, unlike the rest of the country’s MFIs, it gives loans in local currency. It is specialised in the agricultural sector. Its objective is to offer financial solutions to small and medium-sized companies, as well as micro-entrepreneurs, with the aim of creating new jobs and improving the standard of living of Moldovans. It has the widest branch network in rural areas of all MFIs operating in the country.

Expected Social Impact

With this investment of the Netri Foundation, it is estimated that Microinvest will be able to provide 184 microloans in the country to empower the local population in generating employment.