Primary children in class. Source: Alexander Chizhenok
Primary children in class. Source: Alexander Chizhenok

Social Issue

The Mara region, geographically isolated due to its location between the border of Kenya, Lake Victoria, and the Serengeti National Park, suffers from one of the highest poverty rates in the country. Its poor schools, clearly lacking in teachers and textbooks, are symptomatic of the region’s economic deficiencies.

Our Response

It is precisely in this context in which a textbook acquires a value far beyond its equivalent in the Western world, as in many cases it is the single reliable resource for a child to acquire the knowledge required to make progress in his or her education.

The project entails distributing 1,874 textbooks for students, as well as 312 textbooks intended for teachers in order to allow them to correctly prepare the lessons. The textbooks cover a range of subjects, such as Mathematics, English, Science, Geography, and others.

The textbooks were distributed to a total of 9 primary schools. Those schools, located within a radius of 10 kilometres around the town of Nyamuswa, are the following: Bukama, Busore, Ikizu, Kambarage, Kambubu, Kurusanga, Nyangere, Salama Kati and Sarawe.

Expected Social Impact

The donation of books by the Foundation is one more element within the global project carried out by Project Zawadi to help students. This consists of supplying uniforms and school supplies, from their first year to university, in addition to the support, supervision, and school reinforcement through the figures of the “Guardian Teachers” and the “Student Counselors”.

This donation will benefit 4,511 students and 78 teachers.