Atete Princesse

I was born in 2003 in a family of five members: my mother, my brother, and two more boys from another father. My father and my mother never lived together. I don’t like my life but this is how it is: We live in a very difficult situation of extreme poverty. My mother cannot buy food or pay for our studies easily, and she had to change her life – she goes with men for money or food. The family has grown because we are now two more, and we have no resources to survive.

I am grateful to have been sponsored and to get out of this miserable life. I go to school again. My godfather pays for it, and also for transportation and other necessities for my studies, such as notebooks.

I am happy with my life at school, I really like the classes and the games. All this makes me forget what I see at home, but I still worry about my brothers and my mother. I will become a doctor and help the children of my neighbourhood and the poor. I will found a healthcare mutual insurance for them.